Friday, September 13, 2024

Peter Scott

Peter Scott freedives in British Columbia, Canada. After competing in the World Championships for Canada in 2001, he has continued his exploration of the ocean through writing, art, photography, freediving, swimming, surfing, windsurfing, and travel. Visit his website at

Sebastien Murat Interview: Part two

Contributor Peter Scott concludes his two part interview with Sebastien Murat.

Sebastien Murat Interview

Contributor Peter Scott gets a chance to interview freediver Sebastian Murat in the first of this two part series

Western Canadian Regionals Results

On September 14 and 15, Canadian freedivers competed at the Western Canadian Regional competition. The planning of these events, led by Ken McCallum, competition??organizer??and Hamish Tweed, scuba support coordinator,...

Tanya Streeter: a Deep Interview

Staff Writer Peter Scott caught up with Tanya Streeter at her home in Texas, fresh from her new no-limits world record of 160 metres

Sebak Freediving Monofin

Pete Scott recently took delivery of his new Sebak Freediving Monofin. After weeks of testing it out he now gives you his verdict on this new piece of kit

World-Record Omnibus

What actually occurs behind the scenes when a world record attempt is made? Staff writer Peter Scott gives us a behind the scenes look at what occurs during an event like this.

2002 CAFA Nationals

The Canadian Freediving team is a powerful force every time they compete in a world competition. Our own Peter Scott reports on the Canadian Nationals held in Vancouver , B.C.

The Big Green: Freediving British Columbia

Not all freediving occurs in gin clear, tropical temperature waters. Staff writer Peter Scott shares his experiences for diving in his home waters surrounding Vancouver, British Columbia.

Monofin Freediving 101

The monofin is a fairly new piece of equipment for freediving. Our resident expert and staff writer, Peter Scott details the basics for using the monofin while freediving.

Total Immersion

Resident expert and staff writer Peter Scott reviews Terry Laughlins book for becoming more efficient in the water.

Eric Fattah's World Record

Staff Writer, Peter Scott, had a chance to sit down and interview the new Constant Ballast Record Holder, Eric Fattah as he recounted his experiences leading up to and accomplishing his 82m Constant Ballast world record attempt.


