The Divers Alert Network has announced the start of its 2020 giving campaign.
The event has been going for 40 years and helps DAN in its mission to support the greater diving community across the globe. The donations are used to fund DAN’s work, including its recompression chamber network, research, and grants.
According to DAN President and CEO Bill Ziefle:
“DAN has taken extraordinary steps this year to help the dive industry survive the impact of COVID-19. And all the while we have persisted in advancing our core mission of dive safety. With your help, we will continue these efforts as the industry waits for travel and diving to return.”
Donations of $100 (~84 Euros) or more are eligible to receive a 2021 Friend of DAN T-shirt, and don’t forget donations may be tax-deductible in the US.
You can find out more and donate here.