Dive Zero has launched awebsite providing a complete resource for the scuba world, including travel,dive gear, destinations, and the latest and greatest in the world of bubbles. Director of Dive Zero, Mr. Luke Boychuk, Rob Lysak (executive producer) and Wally Schredl – Managing Director haveworked very hard to integrate news and updates on a continous basis to thisone-stop one-shop diving website. The pages are colourful and informative, withlinks to videos, photographs, lifestyle pages, virtual magazines, profiles onindustry professionals and even online TV.
The various links to Dive Zero are www.divezero.com, www.divezero.tv, and www.thedivevillage.com. Dive Zero have created this new layout, to make it easier for readers to navigate and find what they are looking for. Dive Zero.com is the main hub for connecting the Dive Village, Dive Zero TV, Dive Zero Magazine, and Dive Zero Images together. So any dive related news, reviews and information can be searched at www.divezero.com. They are also always looking for article and magazine write ups with pictures. Any interested writers or contributors who want exposure can contact magazine@divezero.com.
The Dive Village is a scuba diving’s online community. Users can create and customize their own profiles, add dive buddies from the world, upload their favorite scuba diving “YouTube videos”, dive spots with maps, groups, blogs, events, classifieds, and also interact on the forum, rate pictures and chat online. The Dive Village is a website that is always updated, whether it is news, pictures, videos, or new ideas that users send in. They have just launched a new points system which allows users to gain points by doing almost everything on the site. The member with the highest points at the end of each month receives the featured prize. Users can to track their point’s progress and the monthly prize on the homepage of the Dive Village.
Dive Zero Internet TV is the newest addition to Dive Zero and also the newest and freshest scuba diving internet TV in the industry. Dive Zero TV is currently filled with 11 channels from all types of scuba diving, and their next step is to expand to over 40 dive channels. The Dive Zero’s high definition video magazine is now all showcased for free on Dive Zero TV.
Click here, it will bring you to Dive Zero TV, where actor and host Mike Edwards will meet and greet you, then give you tips on how to use the website. Aspiring videographers who would like exposure can contact Dive Zero at the following link.