Sunday, February 9, 2025

Diving Deep Into GUE TV


Spending surface intervals discovering tips, absorbing knowledge, or researching the location of your next dive just got exciting as Global Underwater Explorers (GUE) sat down with me to show off what is available in their new resource – GUE.TV.

Aimed at the enthusiastic diver of all levels and agencies from Open Water to CCR, is a subscription-based online platform created to help divers refine and inspire their scuba skills, expand their understanding, and ready them for the underwater fun beneath the surface.

All over the world divers are in search of adventure, development, and exploration, and GUE understands it does not stop when divers reach the surface.

Currently hosting over five hundred educational and documentary-style videos with each week seeing exciting new content being added you may watch at your computer, on your laptop, or download the free app from your app store and have video content at your fingertips on the go.  You could even use the videos while you are waterside as training tools before you go diving!

There is also lots of Free Content, available to peruse, and you can test the service at no cost with a three-day trial allowing you to get a taste of the other topics available after you have signed up including Recreational and Fundamental, Technical and Rebreather, Cave and Cavern, Education, Exploration, Conservation, Explore The Source, Diving Films, Equipment, Community and GUE Instructor Training Process. spoke to GUE founder, Jarrod Jablonski about this idea he has been trying to achieve since the late 1990s that has only come to life in the past two years: When did begin?

Jarrod Jablonski: is a spin-off from an idea that I had more than a decade ago.  I wanted to be able to continue to refine diving oriented information in a fun and compelling way for the audience.  I started it, I even hired a friend Richie Denmark to realize this idea of interviewing divers, diving researchers, diving explorers, and passionate divers but It was too much of a cumbersome project back then, so it was put aside. 

Now it so trivial it is kind of ironic!  So, it has been around a while, and as we are a non-profit organization it can take some time to gain critical momentum. The platform has been in development for some time and only now they are gaining better speed and efficiency and more contributors, more videography teams, more resources for editing so there is no better time to promote it a little bit more as now the subscriptions become more valuable and people can keep themselves engaged with the wealth of content available.  There is now enough new content being released each month it has become something we are proud to say it is worth your investment.

DB: How much new content is getting uploaded?

JJ: We are rolling in as much diving content as we can for diving enthusiasts. We want to cover the spectrum, not just speak to GUE divers.  We tend to be focused in our activities, we tend to want to put forward a lot of detail, deeper knowledge-based information, training, training enhancements and GUE TV has become our repository where we can gather all the useful information to enable the vision of GUE to help inspire basic recreational to extreme technical.  Even I can be found grilling key personalities in the dive industry on their exciting exploits in my interview series. Who is behind the scenes?

JJ: The team surrounding the tv platform is a young and inspired group of divers and instructors, balanced with some saltier instructors, all rich with experience.  Having control over the content the team is perfectly placed to vet what goes live, and what doesn’t!  Our marketing manager, Amanda, is twenty-five years old and has been working with us since she was 19.  The organization makes an effort to enlist the help of younger divers so they can reach out to the young people and really speak to them.  I tell Amanda that she has to call me out when I am being old! Who is it for?

JJ: It caters primarily to people who are really passionate about the sport and diving is their primary hobby where they are wanting to learn more.  The super casual once a year diver is probably not our key demographic for us, they are of course great for the sport and its awesome they go diving. is very much suitable for our younger divers.  We already have a pretty strong younger following as part of the tribe. How do you keep it interesting?

JJ: Breathing enough fresh life into the platform results in content to satisfy both the younger generation of divers and the more seasoned diver. We believe these materials will increase global awareness of GUE training, thereby inspiring divers from around the world to establish and maintain a unified perspective, help ease diver anxiety, enhance class readiness, aid in skill maintenance, and encourage otherwise undecided or unsure divers to seek out training. What is your best section?

JJ: My favorite section is the exploration one with its neat projects and great cinematography I hope it will be the most nurtured section, with more high-quality videos being added over the coming year. In case people don’t know, who are GUE?

JJ: GUE is a non-profit organization that is principally a community of really passionate divers, now known best around the globe for the training they provide.  We started out as a group of divers dedicated to exploration, conservation, and fun activities around the world and as part of our passion, we were doing a lot of exploration and conservation projects in between fun recreational dives. How did you become a training agency?

JJ: Over time we began to identify what we perceived as a weakness in training which made it difficult to dive comfortably either on the recreational side or with greater capacity and safety on the more technical side. And so, we began to refine a few of the techniques people learned to make diving safer and more fun, and then in the late 1990s, we formalized a training division that took a fairly large role in the organization.  From the outside, we became known as a training organization, but for the GUE team, the training was there to facilitate the end goal of fun and exploration whatever their dream in diving is.


Signing up to costs $24.99/month and allows the subscriber full access to the ever-expanding library of videos including lectures, skill demonstrations, and project documentaries.  You can also buy partner videos as a separate purchase. is also offering a commission for videographers as they understand that content should not be free if it is to be sustained.  Contact if you have any projects you want to share or discuss with them. has given readers an exclusive discount code that gives 25% off your first month subscription. Use code: DEEPERBLUE20 at the checkout stage of purchasing.  Visit to register.

Victoria Brown
Victoria Brown
Victoria is a staff writer for Avidly exploring the underworld since she was twelve, Victoria has been a professional diver for sixteen years and is now based back in the UK following many years touring the snowiest peaks and deepest green seas. From safety diving on media projects to creating content for the coolest brands in the diving industry, she has diving written all over her. Topside she can be found flying about on her bicycle or taking snaps of Sharky the cat.


