“The Marine Environment Awareness Project in Dahab, Egypt is looking for participants to take part in its two week program. It is an exceptional opportunity to become involved in field activities related to the conservation of the Red Sea’s coral reefs, one of the most fascinating and outstanding marine ecosystems.
The project incorporates diving, snorkeling, introduction to marine research techniques and conservation issues and desert adventures. This year’s monitoring work will include monitoring of some frequently visited dive sites around Dahab by using video transect method.
Participants will explore the coastal ecosystems of the Red Sea including its coral reefs, mangroves and seagrass beds. They will also become acquainted with linked ecosystems such as deserts, wadis, dunes and their inhabitants, learn about Egypt’s natural history, and take part in practical conservation work.
If you are interested in this project, please visit the following website: http://www.marineaware.org