Marine Camera Distributors will offer new products from Nexus, Epoque and Inon at DEMA 2003 in Miami Beach.
We are pleased to inform you about our new products offered at the DEMA show in Miami. The digital camera revolution is here and you need to be able to profit from it. These products will let you join the revolution and profit.
Our products include:
1. Nexus D100 housing at special DEMA pricing
2. Nexus optimum super wide lens and port for the D100
3. Inon’s fantastic Z220 and D180 strobe system with laser aiming and fiber optic sync for any camera system
4. Inon’s famous wide lens with the even wider dome option
5. Inon’s fiber LINK system
6. Epoque’s wide range of support systems for all the digital camera housings
7. Epoque affordable digital strobe with fiber optic sync
8. Epoque Sanyo digital camera and housing for greater profits
9. Lens adapter for Epoque wide lens and macro lens to fit most digital cases
All of our products will be featured at the DEMA show in our booth at #687 (next to Gates Underwater.)
Tom Harman and I would like very much to personally present these new products to you. Please set some time aside to come see these new innovative products in person and pick up your dealer pricing and support package.
For preview info information please visit our web sites,
Some of these special items will soon appear on the web.
For more details, contact:
Lee Peterson MCD 11717 Sorrento Valley Road San Diego, CA 92121 phone 858-481-0604