If you’re interested in improving your diving, your instruction and your diving safety, you may want to check out a new, free eBook by Gareth Lock.
“Under Pressure” was written to provide an introduction to “Human Factors,” “Non-Technical Skills” and a “Just Culture” to the diving community. Most diving accidents, incidents and near misses don’t happen because of undetectable technical failures in equipment or an ability to put a contingency plan in place, but rather because of failures in situational awareness, decision-making, communications, teamwork and leadership.
These topics are not specifically covered in any diver training program, which means that the issues will continue to occur. This 60-plus-page free eBook is an extract of three chapters from the full book which will be published in February/March 2019. The eBook mixes theory with real stories showing how the presence or absence of these non-technical skills contributed to the incident in the way it happened.
Gareth Lock is a diver with a passion for improving diving safety. He has spent the last eight years researching diving incidents, applying the science of human factors to diving and creating a “Just Culture” within the diving community by using his direct experience from being aircrew in the Royal Air Force and running a training company in the healthcare and oil & gas sectors. He now runs a globally-unique training and consultancy company which focuses on teaching divers and diving instructors on how to become high-performance divers and dive teams by developing their non-technical and human factors skills via eLearning and face-to-face programs.
You can download the book for free from the humandiver.com website.