What started out as a small competiton now looks like it will be the biggest indoor FreeDiving competition held in Northern Europe.
One Breath has announced that the competition will be based on Static and Dynamic Apnea. 38 competitors have signed up from Denmark, Norway, Finland, Åland, Serbia and Sweden including:
- Lotta Ericsson, Sweden, world record holder in Static Apnea
- Mathias Lanner, Sweden, constant weight record holder -71meters
- Bill Strömberg, Sweden, record holder of 6 of 8 national records
- Timo Kinnunen , Finish, with 7.54 in static apnea, National record!
- Johanna Nordblad, Finish, World Record holder in DYN with 158m!
Sponsors have come out in force with prizes worth over 1000 Euro’s.
The competition will be on 19th February and will take palce in Ängelholm the southern part of sweden. Entry fee is 20 Sek (2 EUR)
More information on www.onebreath.nu/challange.htm