If you’re a RAID International dive instructor in the U.K. and Malta, the company is offering a new set of incentives when you certify a certain number of students.
Within the renewal period of October to October, any RAID Instructor that certifies 25 students will receive a 50-percent reduction on their online renewal fee for their next renewal. Certify 50 students and you’ll get a free membership for your next renewal. and if you certify 100 students, you’ll receive a free Dive Centre membership for your next renewal.
According to RAID:
“It seems that other training agencies deem a letter with a ‘pat on the back’ message as appropriate for a year’s hard graft. How many times have instructors received their ‘elite’ status and wished they could be rewarded with something more worthwhile than a cert card sticker? After all, the members are the heart of any training agency. RAID recognise that without them, the agency will never reach its potential.”
For more info, check out the RAID website.