Registration is now open for the 2018 NoTanx Birthday Competition in March 2018 in the UK.
NoTanx have run a pool competition on this weekend for the past 11 years, and this coming year it will be an AIDA-ranking competition judged by top international judge Cedric Palerme.
The Dynamic No Fins (DNF) competition will take place on March 17th, and the Static (STA) and Dynamic With Fins (DYN) will happen on March 18th.
The venue will be the 50-meter Olympic pool at the Surrey Sports Park in Guildford, England.
Palerme will also be running a judge’s course from March 15th-18th, and NoTanx will also have a Competition Safety Diver course running on March 9th-10th.
Both courses have limited spaces, so send an email to for details.
To sign up for the competition, fill out the Google form here.