This weekend freedivers from all over descended upon an unashamedly beautiful flooded quarry in Chepstow, near Bristol, in the UK. The quarry site, home to the SaltFreeDivers group, is where the 2012 UK Depth Championships took place. John Moorcroft took top honors for the men and yoga expert Rebecca Coales took first place for the women. The quarry boasts a freediving platform that is unparalleled in the UK offering 77 meters of depth for athletes to hit their targets. And hit their targets they did! No red cards were flashed this sunny weekend, making for a truly successful event that was co-organized by, Sam Kirby and many wonderful volunteers.
Setting two national Hungarian free diving records with respective 34m and 38m no-fins dives Mike Benke – “the flying Hungarian” – also had a great competition, as did all the athletes.