NBC11.com Reported a shark attack on a surfer at Marina State beach in Monterey County on Tuesday morning.
This attack follows on the heels of two recent great white shark sightings by the local dive community.Two spearfishermen defended themselves from a great white last Saturday 8/25 at Aumentos Reef, while the week preceding that had several scuba divers and fishermen reporting a great white off of nearby Chase Reef.
(Images Of Bitten Board, Police Response – See a slide show here below:)
The attack, which happened at about 11 a.m., left the man in critical condition, according to medics.
Witnesses said the surfer was bleeding badly when pulled onto the beach.
According to California state parks lifeguard Eric Sturm, the man had serious wounds on his back and legs. He said the shark must have been large to make the wounds.
Officials closed down 15 miles of coastline following the attack. No one was being allowed in the water from Moss Landing to Monterey State Beach.
Brian Simpson said he heard the man screaming. He said the victim got himself to the beach.
“I wanted to help him, but I was too far away to really do anything, and then at that point, I was afraid for my own life,” said Simpson.
Other surfers used their surf board leashes as tourniquets.
Witnesses said the surfer is well known in the area.
A surfer who was riding the same wave as the man who was attacked said he saw thrashing and lots of blood.
It was unknown what kind of shark bit the surfer.
This is the first shark attack in the history of the Marina State beach.
It happened in 6 to 20 feet of water, 100 yards from shore. That is shallow for a shark attack, according to experts.