Released May 2017, Social Apnea is a static training website that enables members to train in groups. It’s ideally suited to freediving clubs, providing a calendar of static training events for club members to attend.
As a member, you can create events which are run online. During an event, live feedback is displayed along with progress indicators such as contractions. At the completion, you can compare your results with other event members. If you prefer not to train in a group the site also offers general static apnea timers.
Social Apnea founder Warren Cheetham had this to say to
“I frequently work from home and tend to train dry statics at my desk. The phone app I was using offered good features but lacked interaction and sharing with others. My goal for creating the website was to provide a static training tool where people could share training sessions and keep motivated by attending group training”
Social Apnea is a great way to share training ideas and motivate yourself for static training. You can monitor and compare your progress with other members in real-time. It’s 100% free and works with modern phone and desktop browsers.
For more information and to sign up head to