Thursday, April 25, 2024



Our mission for the last 25+ years has been to inspire, educate and inform the global diving community.  Our independent journalism, groundbreaking community, award-winning podcast, and inspiring social content has been at the forefront of bringing the diving community together whether you are a Freediver, Scuba Diver, Ocean Advocate or passionate Traveller who loves Diving.

Your support helps protect’s independence and every contribution, however big or small, is so valuable for our future.

We hope you’ll support us. Thank you.

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Your contribution will automatically be billed every month. Cancel or pause your payment by clicking here.


  • Where is my money actually going Your financial contribution helps pay for the writers, editors, photographers, and staff who all play a part in making’s content and community worthy of your time.
  • Does this mean you aren’t running ads anymore? Advertising revenue is crucial to us as a media company, but we take pride in providing a great user experience, which means ensuring our site speed is high, never serving pop-up ads, and maintaining strict limits on how many advertisements can appear on a page, and where. If you have ideas for how to make your reading experience even better, we welcome your thoughts at
  • How is COVID-19 impacting As an independent media company, we are especially poised to be nimble. has weathered setbacks and overcome all kinds of obstacles since 1996. This is certainly a unique time in history, with hundreds of thousands of small businesses under threat. However, we have taken preventative measures to save on expenses and position ourselves for success when the economy begins to turn around.
  • Why are you asking for contributions? All good journalism is expensive, and the volatility of display ads is unpredictable. aims to inspire people from all walks of life to learn about diving and the beauty of the underwater world, so we want our stories to remain accessible to everyone. Reader contributions will help us sustain that mission.
  • How else can I support You can subscribe to our daily or weekly free email newsletters, tune into our weekly podcast, follow us on social media (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram), join our community forums, and most importantly share our content with your family and friends.  Thank you for being a loyal reader and contributor.
  • Will my payment method be automatically charged for a recurring contribution? Yes, the credit card entered on file for a recurring contribution will be automatically charged. Click here to sign in and update your payment details.
  • How do I cancel my contribution? Sign in here to update your payment details and cancel your recurring contribution.
  • How can I get a refund? If you believe you were charged in error, log into your account to file a dispute.