chatted with Nadia Aly of Humpback Swims at DEMA Show today, and wow, talk about enthusiasm!
Nadia said she has dived all over the world, diving about 350 days a year and nothing beats diving with humpback whales in Tonga. Listening to her, she sure convinced me that it’s something to try.
A number of pods of humpbacks make the waters off Vava’u, Tonga their birthing and mating grounds. The humpbacks migrate from the Antarctica to Tonga in June, arriving in early July. After the birthing and mating process is done, the whales stay until November. The whales birth at different time so anytime while you are there you might witness a birthing. As the calves start to mature, they may even approach you, according to Nadia.
Humpback Swims has a number of different packages. A five-day swim package is US$3,300 (~2,915 Euros), while the eight-day swim packages range from $4,000 (~3,500 Euros) to $6,500 (~5,600 Euros).
For more info, check out the website.