It had to happen. First we had the F1, a dive computer designed by a freediver for freedivers. However this was a mere preamble, childs play compared to the most useful tool ever created for the freediver. The F1 will take you to 275 metres, but this will take you to infinity and beyond. Yes, it’s the world’s first freediving log book and it’s available now!
Started as a project by Emma Farrell, chair of the British FreeDiving Association (BFA), and Jean-Marc Kuffer – the e-media Officer of the BFA. The plan was to produce a log book that was one of the perks for the BFA members, and that was also available to other freedivers for a small cost.
It’s an A5 sized book with enough log pages to log 52 training sessions. This is the bulk of the book and has enough information to cover any kind of conditions you come to. Whether salt, fresh, warm, cold, no-limits or underwater photography there is room to fully log your dives or static breath holds. There is space to record weather conditions, tides, currents, thermoclines, buddies, personal and safety equipment, as well as a large section where you can put down anything you like to describe the session.
As well as this, if you are on a course, you can also use it to log each part of the course, with room for your instructor’s signature and if you’re not sure how to use it, 2 pages have been filled in for you with sample dive sessions, one a static and the other a depth session.
And is that isn’t enough, there are also safety rules, buddying tips and rescue procedures at the front of the book, static and dynamic tables and notes pages at the back. And dotted around the text there are quotes to inspire you!
So how can you get hold of one? Either by becoming a member of the British Freediving Association, or by going to the site and paying via paypal. The log book costs 5.00 GBP plus postage and packing to buy and is available at