With lobster season Just around the corner, the Florida Keys has announced a wide-ranging campaign to raise awareness about the rules and regulations governing lobster harvesting.
In the Keys, there are two lobster seasons. The primary harvesting season runs from August 6 to the following March 31. The short season is a special that runs from 12:01 a.m. on the last Wednesday of July and ends at midnight on the next day.
The new campaign empathizes and reminds people about the regulations around catching lobsters in the Keys and the need to catch them responsibly while protecting their habitats. It will be broadcast on radio, local television, social media, and more.
Commenting on the new campaign, the Florida Keys Tourism Council’s Director Stacey Mitchell said:
“We want to impress the need to protect our marine ecosystem resource, as well as vessel and dive safety, not just during mini-season but for the entire open lobster season.”
You can find out more info here, check out the rules in PDF form here, or watch a video about the two-day short season rules below.