Renowned artist, conservationist, scientist, and photographer Dr. Guy Harvey has released a new book.
The new book is Harvey’s fifth and takes the form of a memoir and is titled “Guy Harvey’s Underwater World.”
The new book brings the underwater world to its readers through the eyes of Harvey and is based on the wealth of experience he has acquired with gamefish over the years. The stunning imagery in the book was shot across the world from the Galapagos to Canada and Australia to Belize. Commenting on his new work, Harvey stated:
“The different destinations we’ve visited over 20 years provided so much inspiration for new art and new research projects and for the multi-disciplinary nature of the expeditions. Some locations such as the Yucatán and Panama provided constant access to a variety of species. This book summarizes the greater part of our success in our research and conservation efforts and in the art business.”
The book is available beginning June 1st, 2021, and retails for US$49.95/~£35 /~€41.
A portion of the sales will go toward conservation and research efforts at the Guy Harvey Ocean Foundation (GHOF).
You can check out a video about the book below.