The British Sub-Aqua Club has launched a special edition of its monthly magazine SCUBA, with the May edition titled SCAPA and marking the 100th anniversary of the scuttling of the German High Seas fleet in 1919.
Unlike the regular magazine, which is only available to BSAC members, this commemorative issue is open to all scuba divers. The special edition has a host of features including:
- The story of the Scapa wrecks.
- An in-depth look at a Konig class battleship.
- The experience of Scapa Flow skippers.
- An in-depth photography feature about Scapa.
- A special feature on BSAC’s adopted wreck the SMS Coln.
According to BSAC Chair Alex Warzynski:
“Our SCAPA Special really showcases what a world-class diving destination we have right on our own doorstep. Having dived Scapa many times, it’s a location that’s close to my heart, so I’m delighted we are able to make this fantastic special issue available to all. I really hope it inspires even more people to discover Scapa’s truly remarkable history as well as its awe-inspiring wreck sites for themselves.”
You can find BSAC’s SCAPA magazine here.