The Divers Alert Network and the Our World-Underwater Scholarship Society (OWUSS) have announced two new internships for 2021.
The first internship available is the DAN Diver’s Safety Internship. This program focuses on teaching the recipient the various aspects of DAN’s risk management and dive safety protocols. With such a broad scope, the internship can be personalized to focus on the main areas that are of interest to the intern.
The second internship open to applicants is the Dr. Glen H. Egstrom DAN Diver’s Health and Safety Internship. One of the founders of the society, amongst Egstrom’s many achievements is his dedication to diver safety by focusing on the diver’s physical conditioning. With this in mind, the internship focuses on the heald the safety of divers, and the intern will take part in a wide range of activities related to the research conducted by DAN in that area.
The deadline for applying for the internships is January 15th, 2021.
You can find out more information here, or send an email for more info here.