Wednesday, September 18, 2024

US Government Reviewing Whether To List The Shortfin Mako Shark As Endangered


The US government is looking into the possibility of adding the Shortfin Mako Shark to the Endangered Species List.

According to a recent notice, the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) received a petition this past January from the Defenders of Wildlifeto list the shortfin mako shark (Isurus oxyrinchus) as a threatened or endangered species under the [Endangered Species Act] and to designate critical habitat concurrent with the listing.

NMFS said:

“After reviewing the petition, the literature cited in the petition, and other information readily available in our files, we find that listing I. oxyrinchus as a threatened or endangered species may be warranted. Therefore . . . we will commence a status review of this species. During the status review, we will determine whether I. oxyrinchus is in danger of extinction (endangered) or likely to become so (threatened) throughout all or a significant portion of its range.”

NMFS has up to one year from receiving the petition to decide whether to list the shortfim mako shark as an endangered or threatened species, according to the notice.

“If listing is warranted, we will publish a proposed rule and solicit public comments before developing and publishing a final rule.”

To that end, NMFS wants “comments and information from interested parties on the status of the shortfin mako shark.”


“(1) Historical and current abundance and population trends of I. oxyrinchus throughout its range;
“(2) Historical and current distribution and population structure of I. oxyrinchus;
“(3) Historical and current condition of habitat for I. oxyrinchus;
“(3) Historical and current data on bycatch and retention of I. oxyrinchus in industrial, commercial, artisanal, and recreational fisheries worldwide;
“(4) Data on trade of shortfin mako products, including fins, meat, jaws, skin, and liver oil; and
“(5) The effects of other known or potential threats to I. oxyrinchus over the short-term or long-term; and
“(5) Management, regulatory, or conservation programs for I. oxyrinchus, including mitigation measures related to any known or potential threats to the species throughout its range.”

You can check out the complete notice here.

John Liang
John Liang
John Liang is the News Editor at He first got the diving bug while in High School in Cairo, Egypt, where he earned his PADI Open Water Diver certification in the Red Sea off the Sinai Peninsula. Since then, John has dived in a volcanic lake in Guatemala, among white-tipped sharks off the Pacific Coast of Costa Rica, and other places including a pool in Las Vegas helping to break the world record for the largest underwater press conference.


