Want a unique way to explore the reefs in the Florida Keys?
Local-area dive shops are sponsoring a “reef crawl” from August 20 to 23 for divers, snorkelers, kayakers and stand-up paddlers to explore the reefs from Key Largo to Islamorada:
“The Reef Crawl is like a Pub Crawl, but instead of going from pub to pub, Reef Crawlers go reef to reef, exploring the beautiful reefs, wrecks and mangroves of Florida’s Upper Keys.”
Participants can sign up for seminars on identifying fish, coral restoration, reef ecosystems and more. Additionally, they can sign up for dives with those same seminar groups.
Registration is US$79 per person or $395 for a “VIP 6 Pack.” There are also large-group rates. A portion of every Reef Crawl Registration goes to help local conservation efforts like the Coral Restoration Foundation and others.
For more info, check out the Reef Crawl website.