Underwater filmmaker Julie Gautier’s latest short film, titled “Ama” after the Japanese pearl divers, is slated for a worldwide premiere on March 8th, International Women’s Day.
Gautier is best known for her co-directing the Beyoncé and Arrow Benjamin music video “Runnin'” that features her beau, freediver Guillaume Nery.
Her new film “Ama” is designed as a tribute to women and will be premiered in more than 40 public screenings around the world on March 8th. The following day, the film will be uploaded to the couple’s official Facebook, Vimeo and Youtube accounts.
For info on a screening near you, check out Gautier’s Facebook page.
And if you’ve never seen her work, check out the “Runnin'” video below, as well has her “Free Fall” and “Ocean Gravity” videos that also feature Nery.