If you’re an aficionado of ocean-accented clothing, apparel company Prawno is holding a “Stock Take Sale” to clear its inventory and make way for fresh designs.
The company says:
“We’ve been trucking along for over five years now, and so we think it high time we shed a few bits of stock that we have been holding on to. Yes, being surrounded by our favorite designs does evoke a sense of nostalgia, however it also clutters the creative process. And so, in the spirit of spring and the wise words of Eminem, we are ‘Cleanin’ out our closet.'”
Items like the men’s “Manta Point” Rash Guard or the women’s “Blues” Rash Guard (pictured above) are now US$40 (~32 Euros). But there’s a whole lot more on sale through May 1st, 2018.
For more info, check out the company’s website at prawnoapparel.com.