Real life Mermaid – Mermaid Linden – successfully crowdfunded the development of Season two of her hit online Kids Ocean Education TV Series “The Mermaid Minute” back in July 2014. The first of these episodes is now going to be released this Friday – 4th September 2015 – on Mermaid Linden’s YouTube channel following up with 15 further episodes every other Friday.
Mermaid Linden got in touch with from her underwater grotto and had this to say:
“I am beyond excited to finally share Mermaid Minute Season 2 with my Sea Fans across the world! Thanks to their generous support through my 2014 Kickstarter campaign, I created something I hope will edutain children and adults alike all around the globe about the wonders of our oceans. My goal with this series is to provide fun, free ocean edutainment to anyone with access to a computer.
Season two includes a very spe-shell new character: Cartoon Mermaid Linden! She will make an appearance in the debut episode, coming to the Mermaid Linden YouTube Channel on the morning of Friday, September 4th at 6:00AM PST. The cartoon Mermaid Linden was created with the amazing talents over at Immersus Media. I am so pleased with the results and delighted for the future of this character in my videos!
Since filming the last bits of footage on-location in the Bahamas with Mermaid Minute sponsor Body Glove International in the spring, I have been editing up a storm in my mermaid grotto. The end result is here, Mermaid Minute Season 2!”
You can see all episodes of The Mermaid Minute via or on Mermaid Linden’s YouTube Channel.