Friday, February 7, 2025
HomeDEMA Show CoverageVRTUL: Pushing Visual Storytelling Beyond the Edge of Reason

VRTUL: Pushing Visual Storytelling Beyond the Edge of Reason

The writer George Bernard Shaw once wrote:

“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.”

Here at DEMA Show 2017, had the opportunity to sit down with Casey Sapp to talk about VRTUL, an innovative visual storytelling solution that has clearly been dreamt up by unreasonable men.

Combining ever-evolving imaging solutions with a toolkit of proprietary digital processes, VRTUL has developed the first-ever 360-degree 3D camera able to produce cinema-quality ProRes or RAW DNG footage.

Despite the name, the VRTUL 2 camera is actually their ninth iteration — the first seven of which utilized GoPro action cameras to capture the raw footage. Now, they’re into completely purpose-built equipment, with a slick, durable housing. And since they’re expanding into new territory in image-capturing, when it came time to edit their raw footage into a compelling finished product, they had to invent their own post-production processes.

The final media output is a completely immersive experience best enjoyed on a 3-D VR headset like the HTC Vive or Oculus Rift — systems that are exploding with innovation and just waiting for creative minds to exploit their true capabilities. Even Facebook and YouTube are getting into the act, so accessible platforms are already widely available.

A DEMA attendee gets the full 360 degree experience at the VRTUL booth.
A DEMA attendee gets the full 360 degree experience at the VRTUL booth.

VRTUL not only develops the hard and software technologies, they also retain a staff of talented underwater photographers who are trained to use their unique cameras. They can deliver at all stages of the production process completely in-house. Clients can also rent or lease the cameras and have their own people trained to wield them. This kind of flexibility allows them to contribute at many levels to all sorts of applications, from scientific research to live-streaming events.

VRTUL worked with SeaWorld San Diego on their DeepSEE VR:Orca 360 experience, and a 360-degree livestreaming event on Good Morning, America. Currently, they’re eagerly awaiting the Sundance premier of a project that showcases what they do best — a Blue Planet-type underwater film, the first epic of its kind in 360º. As this year marked the first time an Oscar was awarded for a 360º video, it seems like VRTUL is on the cutting edge of a revolution.

If you have an underwater story you’re just breathless to tell, stop by DEMA booth #408 or check out their website to see how VRTUL can help you take it to the next level and beyond.

VRTUL camera
VRTUL camera
Erin Durbin-Sherer
Erin Durbin-Sherer
Erin began diving in 2012 as preparation for a trip to Hawaii and before the year was out she'd left her old life behind to work in the dive industry full-time. When she's not out exploring the deep and collecting c-cards, you might find her making art or working on her master's thesis in cultural anthropology at San Diego State University. Erin is an Associate Editor with


