Underwater360 has announced the launch of the ADEX Voice of the Ocean Photo+Video+Art Competition 2025.
Voice of the Ocean is the photo, video and art competition associated with the flagship Asia Dive Expo (ADEX) in Singapore, the largest and longest-running dive show in Asia.
Held from April 4 to 6, 2025, ADEX Ocean Festival 2025 culminates in a live judging event, with a jury choosing the winners and runners-up in the competition categories as well as the “Best of Show” overall winner.
ADEX Ocean Festival 2025 is “dedicated to cephalopods” with a “celebration of marine life behavior,” and the competition includes both “Cephalopods” and “Animal Behavior” categories.
This year’s jury comprises Berkley White, Erin Quigley, Kay Burn Lim, Nicolas Remy, Robert Stansfield and William Tan, with Chloe Harvey, executive director of the Reef-World Foundation, providing a special advisory role on animal behavior.
Entrants are invited to submit their best work in the following five categories:
- Animal Behavior
- Cephalopods
- Waterscapes
- Artwork
- Short Film
The grand prize, sponsored by SEACAM, is an underwater housing worth up to US$10,000/~€9,758.
Submissions via UnderwaterCompetition.com are open until March 1, 2025.