“Halloween Bash and Rally to support diver rights on OCTOBER 31 and NOVEMBER 1 in Key Largo Florida!
Calling all divers!… We need your help in showing the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWCC) that they are wrong in trying to pass a rule that bans scuba divers and snorkelers from participating in marine life feeding dives and we’re hosting a rally to make our voices heard at the meeting on Thursday, November 1st! But that’s not all… join us for the rally and we’ll treat you to the biggest, wildest Halloween Bash Key Largo has ever seen!
We’re hosting a contest to get the industry excited about joining us at the FWCC Rally on November 1 in Key Largo… here’s your chance to win incredible PRIZES including:
? FREE night’s stay at party central Gilbert’s Resort & Marina in Key Largo, FL
? Marine Life Feeding Dives offered by some of Florida’s finest dive operators
? The latest dive gear and equipment
For contest details, and information on how to enter, visit http://www.welovesharks.com/contest.htm.
You can discuss this thread directly with the organisers in our forums: