A new film, “Meraki” is now available to watch on YouTube. The documentary was shot on Amorgos’s island, which is better known as the location for Luc Besson’s classic freediving film “The Big Blue.”
Directed by Gustavo Neves and produced by Violeta Lapa, the film follows the journey of four people as they try to reconnect with the ocean and the environment around them. The film reminds us that we do not live alone, and are all interconnected and coexist.
The movie is the first in a series of aquatic-based films that aim to educate, inspire, and motivate people to take active steps to care for our oceans and the marine environment.
“Meraki” is the work of We are Oceans and Flow, a Portuguese production company focused on the water and the aquatic world.
You can find out more information here, and check out the movie below.