had the pleasure of chatting with Lionfish expert Emily Stokes of at DEMA Show 2015 this week about the impact the invasive species is having on the Florida coast and Caribbean Sea. hosts educational events and spearfishing derbies throughout the Caribbean in an effort to control the Lionfish population.
The next derby will be held in Barbados this coming winter, with a US$3,500 cash prize split between the top 3 fishermen.
Once caught, what does one do with a Lionfish? For one thing, they make fantastic meals, and has a cookbook, “Eat ‘Em To Beat ‘Em!”, with various recipes for the fish. Check it out at
For more info about this winter’s upcoming Barbados Lionfish Derby, click here.
And to learn how to filet a Lionfish, check out the Youtube video below.
— By Kristopher Shannon