South Florida PBS’s Emmy-award winning original series, “Changing Seas,” returns this week with four brand-new episodes.
Viewers will uncover the latest dolphin communication research in “Dolphins: Breaking the Code,” as they meet scientists who’ve developed cutting-edge technology that correlates dolphins’ sounds and behavior.
“Cryptic Critters” explores the accidental discovery of a tiny worm-snail with Spider-Man-like powers that could potentially impact the health of Florida’s delicate coral reef ecosystems.
And while American crocodiles have made an incredible comeback in South Florida, their fate is far less certain in Jamaica, where habitat loss and poaching are taking a serious toll on the population. “Lords of the Wetlands” introduces the viewer to the conservationists who are hoping to save this ancient reptile from extinction.
Lastly, scan the flats with scientists who study some of Florida’s most popular game fish: bonefish, tarpon and permit. “Fishing the Flats for Science” showcases how modern tracking technology is providing insights into the fishes’ movements and spawning behaviors, key information to conserve the species.
Series Producer Alexa Elliott says:
“We’re thrilled to share some incredible, never before seen footage that allows us to tell these fascinating stories of exploration and new discoveries in marine science.”
The broadcast times are as follows:
Wednesday June 20th, 8-9pm “Dolphins: Breaking the Code” & “Cryptic Critters”
Wednesday June 27th, 8-9pm “Lords of the Wetlands” & “Fishing the Flats for Science”
June 23rd, 5-6pm “Dolphins: Breaking the Code” & “Cryptic Critters”
June 30th, 5-6pm “Lords of the Wetlands” & “Fishing the Flats for Science”