The inaugural graduates of the Bachelor of Science in Diving Safety Management recently completed their education and received their degrees.
The graduation comes only six years after the program was first imagined and a mere three years since its inception. The program is specifically aimed at diving professionals and aims to raise the standards in the industry.
The first cohort of graduates were presented with their degrees alongside other students at a ceremony at the Mediterranean Conference Centre in Valletta, Malta, on December 4, 2023. This year’s graduation speech was given by one of the new Diving Safety Management graduates.
According to the DAN Europe CEO Alessandro Marroni, who was present at the graduation ceremony:
“Thanks to all those involved – organizers, partners, faculty, stakeholders. I started this journey six years ago with many hopes but also many uncertainties. It is particularly gratifying to witness how the science of diving safety has now gained academic dignity. Congratulations to the students, Audrey, Paul, Ray, and Tiit. Their dedication, passion, and commitment will undoubtedly make a significant impact on the future of diving safety.”