The Scottish Sub-Aqua Club recently announced that tickets for its upcoming Dive Conference are now available.
The 2015 conference will take place on 21st November at the University of Stirling, and will feature “a plethora of new and returning speakers” doing presentations on topics ranging from “Arctic Explorers” to underwater photography to marine conservation to freediving and more.
Conference attendees will get a swag bag full of goodies and offers from dive groups, charters and equipment companies. There will also be a raffle with a whole bunch of prizes available for winning.
Additionally, representatives from the Royal National Lifeboat Institution will be on hand for a free check of the seaworthiness of your boating life preservers.
Tickets for the daytime event — including lunch — will cost £20 per person. There’s also a separate, post-conference dinner/dance ticket available for £28 that includes a three-course meal and entertainment.
For more info and to buy tickets, check out the club’s website here or its Facebook page here.