The Pre-Competition in Cyprus continues in the lead up to the 2015 AIDA Individual Depth Championships (#aidaworldchampionship) and athletes continue to shine with no less than 6 new National Record set… and this isn’t even the World Championships yet!
A dust storm that rolls into Cyprus from the Middle East every 3-4 years decided today was the day to make an appearance giving an eerie yellow glow to everything topside. Despite everything above water looking like it was part of a ghost ship, conditions below water looked spectacular.
Results from today can be seen at the bottom of this post and include the following immense performances and new National Records:
- Guillaume Nery (France) set a Constant Weight (CWT) record of 126m
- Samo Jeranko (Slovenia) set a Constant Weight (CWT) record of 108m
- Morgan Bouchis (France) set a Constant Weight No Fins (CNF) record of 90m
- Kate Middleton (New Zealand) set a Constant Weight (CWT) record of 70m
- Aolin Wang (China) set a Free Immersion (FIM) record of 67m
- Walter Chivescu (Romania) set a Free Immersion (FIM) record of 58m
Keep your eyes peeled to for more information in the run up to the World Championships.
Most photos are courtesy of fabulous underwater photographer Daan Verhoeven – athletes who are interested in purchasing copies of their photos should head to his website or contact him via Facebook.

All Photos Above Courtesy Of and © Daan Verhoeven