Are you an experienced rebreather/trimix diver with a hankering to check out deep dive sites off Costa Rica’s Cocos Island? Well, underwater photographer and videographer Becky Kagan Schott recently announced a first-of-its-kind trip to do exactly that.
The expedition will take place March 10th-20th, 2019, and will be the first one to do deep dives with closed-circuit rebreather gear off the island.
If you wind up being a part of the group, you’ll fly to San Jose, Costa Rica, spend the night there and then ride to the Pacific Coast town of Puntarenas, where you’ll board the ARGO liveaboard and spend 10 nights onboard, with days spent doing deep dives.
Seriously though, newbies need not apply. There’s no decompression chamber aboard, so you’ll need to definitely know what you’re doing.
For more info, check out her Facebook page or go to the website.