The Women Divers Hall of Fame is now taking applications for its 2023 scholarships and grants program.
In total, there are 38 training grants and scholarships available for 2023, and the application deadline for all of the scholarships bar one is October 31st, 2022. The Undergraduate Marine Research Internship’s closing deadline is January 15th, 2023.
Scholarships and grants on offer are as follows:
12 Scholarships for women:
- Marine Conservation Scholarship- Graduate level of 4 awards of $2,000 each.
- Marine Conservation Scholarship- Undergraduate level, a single award of $1,500.
- Coral and Seagrass Rehabilitation Fellowships four awards of $2,000
- Sea Turtle Conservation Grant- A single award of $2,000.
- Underwater Archaeology Scholarship- Graduate level a single award of $2,000.
- Journalism, Graphic Arts, Photography, or Videography Scholarship- a single award of $1,500.
Five scholarships for men or women:
- Marine Conservation Scholarship- Graduate level a single award of $2,000.
- Marine Conservation Scholarship- Undergraduate level, a single award of $1,500.
- Undergraduate Marine Research Internship, a single award of $1,000.
- Sea to Space Extreme Environment Physiology Grant 2 awards of $5,000 each.
12 Training Grants for Women Only:
- Basic dive training- 6 awards of $1,000 towards learn to dive training.
- Advanced dive training- 6 awards of $1,000 towards advanced dive training.
Five Training grants for women or men:
- Basic dive training- 1 award of $1,000 towards learn to dive training.
- Advanced dive training- 1 award of $1,000 towards advanced dive training.
- Basic or advanced hard hat dive training- a single award of $1,000
- Basic dive training for candidates in ROTC, JROTC, military academy, Sea Scout, or Sea Cadet- A single award of $1,000.
- Disabled diver a single award of $1,000 for beginners, advanced, or instructor training to assist disabled divers.
Specialty Grants:
- Instructor advanced education grant of $2,000 only available for women candidates.
- Diving medical education or emergency medical responder grants- 5 awards of $500 value available for men or women.
You can find out more and the full scholarship descriptions here, and the application details here.