Apnea Mania is honoured to announce the Winners of The World Freediver Award
Constant Weight:
Natalia Molchanova, Russia 86m / 86 points
Carlos Coste, Venezuela 105m / 105 points
Static Apnea:
Natalia Molchanova, Russia 7’16" / 87,2 points
Sam Still, United Kingdom 8’19" / 99,8 points
Dynamic Apnea:
Natalia Molchanova, Russia 178m / 89 points
Tom Sietas, Germany 212m / 106 points
Dynamic Apnea Without Fins:
Natalia Molchanova, Russia, 124m / 62 points
Tom Sietas, Germany 175m / 87,5 points
For more information, contact: ranking@freedive.nu.