The National Marine Sanctuary Foundation in the USA recently launched its new brand, which invites people to discover the wonder of national marine sanctuaries and monuments.
According to the foundation:
“While the logo and colors are the most noticeable change, the new brand reflects how sanctuaries connect us to our communities and our one ocean. The new logo is built from three distinct shapes: the half circle, inviting people to discover the wonders of that lie beneath the surface; the wave pattern, inviting them to explore more about their wonders; and the arc, inviting people to work with us to protect these treasured places. These three shapes come together to form a united mark, illustrating the power of connection of the National Marine Sanctuary System and inviting people to join with us to conserve our ocean and Great Lakes.
“This brand is the evolution of the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation. We intend it to signal a more dynamic, versatile and diverse identity to those who share our mission and we hope it will attract new audiences to our shared cause.”
Read more about the foundation’s new brand at or check out a video highlighting the NMSF’s new brand here.