Vertical Blue, afreediving school based in the Bahamas run by freediving world record holderWilliam Trubridge, has teamed up with world-renowned yoga instructor SimonBorg-Oliver and mental coach Tim Carroll to offer a “Master Class forFreediving”. Trubridge describes this as a world first in elite divinginstruction.
This course, whichwill take place between October 5-9 2008, will combine three world experts inthe fields of yoga, mental coaching and deep freediving, and will be held overfive days in the idyllic location of Dean’s Blue Hole (Bahamas), site of therecent Vertical Blue competition, in which five new world records were set.
The participatinginstructors will be:
– WilliamTrubridge, BSc, double world record holder (CNF & FIM) – founder ofVertical Blue.
– Simon BorgOlivier, MSc BAppSc (physiology) – founder of Yoga Synergy
– Tim Carroll,ACMC, NLP trainer & meta-coach – director of Self Insight
Mr Borg-Olivercommenced teaching in 1982 and in 1988 he developed the unique Yoga Synergysystem. Yoga Synergy style is designed in accordance with applied anatomy andphysiology, but it can also be very dynamic and fluid. He developed much of hisyoga by practicing complicated exercises whilst holding his breath underwater.Hence, the advanced form of Yoga Synergy includes a precise breathing systemthat uses powerful breath retentions whilst moving and in stillness, making itan ideal practice for freedivers. In 1998 Borg-Oliver trained theAustralian freediving team sent to the World Championships in Sardinia. Since 1995 he has been teaching courses throughout the world in the AppliedAnatomy and Physiology of Yoga, and he is co-author of ‘Applied Anatomy and Physiology of Yoga’,the main text book for a course he developed and lectures at RMIT University inMelbourne.
Tim Carroll, aformer elite athlete who has represented New Zealand in Barefoot Waterskiing at4 world championships, will be coaching the students with their ‘inner game.’ He is an internationally certified Meta-Coach, NLP/Neuro Semantics trainer andspeaker, and has worked as an expert in the field of cognitive behaviouralsciences and self actualising technologies for the last 10 years.
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