Are you past the point-and-shoot phase of your underwater photography and ready to take your skills to the next level?
Well, the folks at DiveTech in Grand Cayman could have the answer, with a week-long event from September 3-10, 2016 meant to address just that. It’s a lot of hands-on learning, combining short lectures with interactive exercises and workshops.
The event is meant for beginning and intermediate shutterbugs who, as the company puts it, “would like to learn how to stop taking pictures and start making art.”
Divetech Photo Week will cost US$2,199/1,958 Euros based on double occupancy, and includes seven nights of accommodations; a welcome and departure barbecue; six days of 2-tank dives; breakfast, lunch and dinner; transfers to and from the airport; and a dive of the Kittiwake.
If you want to dive Nitrox, it’ll be an $199 extra (unlimited) upgrade. There are also optional upgrades for single-room add-ons and suite upgrades.
If you’re interested, you’ll need to be at minimum an Open-Water certified diver, and you’ll need to bring your own camera system. There won’t be a minimum requirement on camera equipment, but if you want to rent a camera system, that might be possible if you give enough advance notice.
For more information, email DiveTech at or check the company website at