Hollywood poducer Barry Josephson and publisher Judith Regan have joined forces to create a feature film "The Dive,". The story is based on a non-fiction book to be published by Regan Books. "The Dive" tells the story of Cuban free diver Francisco "Pipin" Ferreras and his romance with French-born diver Audrey Mestre.
Mestre died in October of 2002 in an attempt to break the world record for a breath-hold dive in the Dominican Republic.
When Ferreras met Mestre, she was a scuba diver. They met in 1996 and they later married. Under his guidance and training, she became a world-class freediver. The book is currently underway, being written by Ferreras with a collaborator. Producers hope to have the movie version into a studio shortly.
"They had a complicated, deep love affair that involved her being a student and in some ways surpassing him," Regan said of the couple. "Their obsession with each other and their obsession with diving makes for an interesting love story."
Source: Newswire