An ocean loving mother of three died in a diving accident off Wellington’s southwest coast despite following safety procedures in near-perfect weather conditions.
Jacqui Ngapera, 37, found her body in about 20 metres of water yesterday, not far from where she went diving between Makara Beach and Mana early Saturday.
When her diving buddy realised she was not with him, he changed his tank and went back down again, but could not find her, the newspaper was told Ms Ngapera’s divers’ Safety Marker Buoy – a device to draw the attention of dive boats – was found on Saturday during a massive air and search.
About 20 staff members gathered yesterday to take part in a Maori service at work to commemorate her death, Mr Dalton said.
The Tenths Trust is asking divers, fishermen and shellfish gatherers to respect a three-day rahui in the Boom Rock area. Police Maori Iwi Liaison Officer Clive Puna said iwi asked for the rahui as the area where Ms Ngapera’s body was found was considered sacred.