The World Freediving Award is an annual recognition that is awarded to athletes who have participated in AIDA sanctioned competitions. This unique award is based on the world ranking list generated each year by AIDA. See the recipients for 2011 below and check out the previous years winners here.
Constant Weight (CWT)
Natalia Molchanova, Russia, 101m / 101 points, 110922
Guillaume Néry, France, 117m /117 points, 110922
Static Apnea (STA)
Kathryn Nevatt, New Zealand, 7’12” / 86,4 points, 111016
Branco Petrovic, Serbia 8’18” / 99,6 points, 110402
Dynamic with fins (DYN)
Barbora Ivanska, Czech, 206m / 103 points, 111015
Goran Colat, Croatia, 273m / 136,5 points, 111015
Dynamic without fins (DNF)
Kathryn Nevatt, New Zealand, 158m / 79 points, 110903
Frederic Sessa, France, 207m / 103,5 points, 111014
Constant Weight without fins (CNF)
Alena Zabludilová, Czech, 56m / 56 points, 110920
William Trubridge, New Zealand, 93m / 93 points, 110920
Free Immersion (FIM)
Natalia Molchanova, Russia, 88m / 88 points, 110924
William Trubridge, New Zealand, 121m / 121 points, 110409