AIDA International has appointed photojournalist and freediver Nanna Kreutzmann as the organization’s new Environmental Education Administrator.
In her new role, Kreutzmann will be in charge of setting up “an environmental face for AIDA,” according to a post on the organization’s Facebook page.
Kreutzmann writes:
“I can’t and will not do this on my own. That is why I need your help and support out there. My idea is to gather a group of experts and fiery souls — hopefully within AIDA. I work voluntarily, so it will not happen overnight, unfortunately. I have a small budget and some kind of financial buffer to support those who choose to be involved. I am in touch with AIDA France, who is working on this matter already and from which the work title AIDA GREEN comes. My task for now will be to develop AIDA GREEN (implement educational material, some kind of code of conduct for free divers as well as a green handbook for organisers of competitions held within AIDA etc). Hopefully so that every freediver will be an ambassador for the ocean.”
To learn more about Kreutzmann’s plans, check out the AIDA International Facebook page.
(Image credit: Nanna Kreutzmann)