Friday, September 13, 2024

Stephan Whelan

Stephan is the Founder of His passion for the underwater world started at 8 years old with a try-dive in a hotel pool on holiday that soon formulated into a lifelong love affair with the oceans. In 1996 he set up and has grown the site to be the most popular diving website and community in the world.

DAN Releases 2002 Edition of Annual DCI/Fatalities Report

"The 2002 edition of the annual DAN Report on Decompression Illness, Diving Fatalities and Project Dive Exploration is now available. Starting this year, DAN Members can download it free...

New Dive Logging and Analysis Tool available

"Cyber-Strategy, Inc. announced the release of Scubase, a powerful dive logging and analysis software tool. Scubase enables SCUBA divers to gain interesting insight into their diving experience. It is...

Beach Dive Photo Competition

"On June 8th & 9th the Northern California Underwater Photographic Society will host its 21st annual beach dive photo competition in Monterey, California. The entry fee will be...

Online Shop Launched

"We're proud to announce that Deeper Blue has launched our own Diving Equipment Store. Selling all the leading brands at amazingly low prices, you can be assured that you'll get...

Profile Series: Steve Truglia

In our continuing series on the personalities of the sport of performance freediving, Deeperblue's publisher, Stephan Whelan, asks a series of questions to the UK's no limits champion, Steve Trugila.

Profile Series: Frederic Buyle

In our continuing series on the personalities of the sport of performance freediving, Deeperblue's publisher, Stephan Whelan, asks a series of questions to top competitor Fredric Buyle

A cleaner future for Europes??? water users?

A cleaner future for Europes??? water users? The Surfers Against Sewage (SAS) talk to Stephan.

Oceanmen IMAX Movie

Deeperblue's Publisher, Stephan Whelan, was treated to a special screening of the new IMAX film, Oceanmen. Read what he had to say about this visual piece of cinematic eye candy.

The Batfish Story

The Batfish Story

New Bayonet Bracket

Aqua Explorers, Inc. is proud to announce the release of the New BAYONET BRACKET Quick Release Pony/Light Cannister Bracket.

Buddy Up With Experience

Remember to choose your buddies carefully when you go diving, their experience may be your lifeline.

Shipwreck Anchor Recovered

Capt. Dan Berg and a team of divers from the R.V. Wreck Valley successfully recovered a large 800- pound fluted anchor from the Pilot Boat wreck.

First Annual "Cleanest Playground" Contest

Get ready to get trashed! Thousands of scuba divers are sinking to new depths in a nationwide effort to clean up their favorite playground -- local waters.

Brings a Tear!

Next time you think you've had a bad day at work, think about this guy...

Oceanic's LiteVision??? Mask

Stephan looks at the new Oceanic Litevision Mask.


