Lisa Niver, a writer and avid scuba diver, shares her transformative journey in a new memoir titled “Brave-ish: One Breakup, Six Continents, And Feeling Fearless After Fifty.”
The book chronicles the 50 challenges she undertook before reaching the age of 50, serving as a influential means of reinvention after a divorce. The memoir speaks to an empowering journey of self-discovery and resilience through the love of scuba diving with adventures in her dream destinations like Mexico, Cuba, Bonaire, Fiji and the Solomon Islands.
Niver is featured in the Author’s Corner at DEMA Show this year, and expresses her deep love for scuba diving and the simplicity it brings.
She reflects:
“When you are underwater, everything is pretty simple. Do I have air? Do I have my buddy? Do I know where the boat is? Everything else doesn’t matter that much.”
Despite initial struggles and the haunting memory of a near-drowning incident from her childhood, Niver persevered to become scuba-certified. Her passion for diving led to a career in the cruise industry where she could travel and dive. However, amid the twists and turns of life, she found herself distanced from diving.
“Diving was something I gave up in my relationship to save the peace, but it wasn’t good for me. So when I was reinventing myself, it was really important to get back in the water.”
“Brave-ish” is available in paperback (US$18.99/~€17.50) or Kindle ($9.99/~€9.20). An audiobook version is in the works for 2024.
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