The Divers Alert Network is now offering two tiers of membership, regular and enhanced.
The regular membership is basically the same as the previous membership, only it includes a digital subscription to Alert Diver Magazine instead of a print subscription. The new enhanced membership includes everything included in the regular membership but also includes:
- Global Security Evacuation
- Search & Rescue Coverage
- Print and digital subscription to Alert Diver magazine
The cost for both memberships are:
- Annual Individual Membership Regular – US$40/~€40.50 Enhanced – $75/~€75.94
- Annual Family Membership Regular – $60/~€60.75 Enhanced – $100/~€101.25
DAN also hopes to promote more safe diving communities like the program recently launched in Indonesia.
Brian Harper, director of communications, wants to replicate the program in other countries with the following initiatives:
- Promoting a new DAN emergency hotline in the community.
- Training medics in the country through DAN’s Academies of Dive Medicine.
- Inspecting recompression chambers.
- Training Chamber operators and tenders.
Finally, DAN hopes to launch more international hotlines, expanding more lines in the Asia Pacific, the Caribbean and Latin America.
— by Robbie Harper