The Divers Alert Network is celebrating the 20th year of its Intern Research Program this year, and has announced the opening of the candidate application process.
The successful candidates will get to spend three months immersed in DAN’s research atmosphere at the organization’s headquarters in Durham, North Carolina.
Once at DAN, they will learn invaluable wide-ranging research skills, from data collection and analysis, to the art of proposal writing and getting ethics approval. According to DAN CEO and President Bill Ziefle:
“Our research internship program is a truly remarkable experience, and a unique opportunity for bright young students. No filing faxes or making coffee runs, this is a demanding program that gives interns real world life and career skills.”
If you are interested in the program you must be at least 20 years of age as of June 1, 2018. Applicants must also be enrolled in an undergraduate degree program, or a first-year student in a graduate program. Obviously, applicants must be certified scuba divers.
To apply you’ll need to submit the following:
- Completed DAN Intern Application form.
- Two letters of reference either Academic or professional.
- Professional/Academic CV.
- Scuba Diving CV including education, specialities, depth and environmental ranges.
- Cover letter with information about yourself.
The application deadline is January 31, 2018, with the successful candidates being notified by March 1, 2018.
You can find out more information here and download the application form here.
Additionally, you can contact the program director Dr. Peter Buzzacott here.