If you’re a breath-hold diver who has experienced a lung injury (commonly referred to as a “squeeze”) while training or diving, the folks at Divers Alert Network and the University of California San Diego want to hear from you.
A survey sponsored by DAN and UCSD “intends to collect data from breath-hold divers regarding lung injuries while training or diving.” It was developed in collaboration with Oliver Christen-Drew, Juani Valdivia, Vitomir Maricic, Robert King, Fernando Silva, Elaine Yu, Frauke Tillmans and Peter Lindholm.
The survey’s goal “is to find patterns in the circumstances in which squeezes occur. Based on the findings of this survey, we hope to create best-practice guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of squeezes as well as return-to-dive recommendations after a squeeze.”
To do the survey, which could take between 15-30 minutes to complete, go to redcap.link/squeeze.