In early March, DUI hit the road with an aggressive schedule for their 2003 DOG Rally & Demo Day events with 17 weekend programs. With 4 events down and 13 to go, the Rallies have been a huge success with an unprecedented number of divers attending and local DUI dealers participating.
This is DUI’s 6th year for such events with the first event in 1998. This began with a few local dealers and shipping in boxes an assortment of DUI drysuits and divewear. This has since grown into an incredible phenomenon and in 2002 DUI added a 24′ truck that travels around the country with over 60 drysuits and divewear insulation, 30 BCs, 30 Weight & Trim Systems and more.
Just what is a DUI DOG Rally & Demo Day? It’s a full weekend event where divers come and test dive all types of DUI equipment. Many divers come out and spend the entire weekend and do numerous dives trying out different configurations learning what works best for them. There is a barbecue lunch each day and a special presentation dinner held on Saturday night. DOGs (DUI Owners Group) come out to show off their own DUI equipment, dive, and have a great time. Sea & Sea joined DUI this year to offer DOGs digital camera demos that allows them to take pictures and take them home on a CD. And every participant gets their own DUI TEST DIVER hat!
Here are the incredible statistics after only 4 events:
Total number of test divers: 775+
Participating DUI dealers: 35+
Total number of dives: 2,100+
Total number of volunteers: 140+
Participating States: 20+
And we still have 13 more events to go!
May 31 – June 1 Gilboa Quarry, OH We had over 300 divers in 2002!
June 7 – 8 Pearl Lake, IL
June 14 – 15 Wazee Lake, WI
September 6 – 7 Les Davis Pier, WA New location for 2003!
September 13 – 14 Woahink Lake, OR New location for 2003!
September 20 – 21 Lake Tahoe, CA New location for 2003!
September 27 – 28 San Diego, CA DUI’s backyard!
October 18 – 19 Mermet Springs, IL
October 25 – 26 Blue Stone Quarry, NC New location for 2003!
November 8 – 9 Manatee Springs, FL
November 15 – 16 Vortex Springs, FL
November 22 – 23 Clear Springs Scuba Park, TX
December 6 – 7 Blue Hole, NM
Within days of each event, TEST DIVERS can go to the DUI website to see their picture and pictures of their friends having a great time. Detailed information about each upcoming event as well as details about the events that have happened can be found at